evolution has shaped women’s spines! Really?

Last week the NZ Herald carried a story, based on a new scientific paper, about how evolution had affected the shape of women's spines, resulting in an adaptation for weight-bearing during pregnancy. The paper (Whitcome et al. 2007) describes how men & women differ in the shape of their lumbar vertebrae, and relates this to the weight gain […]

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summer slow-down

Just to let you all know – with the summer break coming up I'll probably drop down to just a couple of posts a week. And maybe even a few that aren't really on-topic – still biology/science but maybe on things that are a bit odd, peculiar, or downright strange. But normal service will resume […]

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faces of our ancestors

faces of our ancestors

I wish I'd found this page earlier – you might have found it interesting in preparing for your exams. It's a series of images pf reconstructed hominin faces, & a linking story about them. (There's actually a whole book about them – I bought myself a copy earlier this year & I'm enjoying dipping into […]

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