interesting readings on human evolution

Those of you who came to the WEB days a few weeks ago (WEB = Waikato Experience of Biology, for those who didn’t) might remember me saying that the human family tree is quite a complex thing. Not only is it a branching tree, rather than the linear model of early palaeoanthropologists, but our understanding of […]

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a biodiversity storeroom

Via SciTechDaily – a trip through a library of mammalian biodiversity! This is a video tour through a ‘bone room’ & a ‘skins room’ belonging to the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California at Berkley. It looks like a fascinating place to visit (although the sight of the skins & furs was […]

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hyenas & homo erectus

When you’re studying human evolution (AS 90719), one of the fossil hominins you’ll learn about is Homo erectus. These days this designation includes fossils that were placed in separate taxa, such as H. pekinensis ("Peking man") & "Java man" (named Pithecanthropus erectus by its discoverer, Eugene Dubois, but now recognised as the first H.erectus fossil to be described). The […]

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