A couple of days ago I was sent a copy of Inspired by Science (Bull et al. 2010) – a paper written ‘to encourage debate on how better to engage students with science’ which focuses particularly on what’s going on in our schools. It also asks ‘whether there is an increasing mismatch between science education of today and the demands of the 21st century.’ Those of you who are regular readers will know that this is a particular interest of mine (& of several of my blogging buddies over at Sciblogs), & so of course I was very keen to read the paper 🙂
A.Bull, J.Gilbert, H.Barwick, R.Hipkins & R.Baker (2010) Inspired by science: a paper commissioned by the Royal Society and the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor. New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER), August 2010
R.Hipkins & R.Bolstad (2008) Seeing yourself in science: the importance of the middle school years. NZCER
herr doktor bimler says:
the number of students reporting that they never did experiments (something kids love!) has declined over the period 1999-2007
Do you mean “increased”?
Alison Campbell says:
Oooops. So I do *blush*