We've been waiting a while for the High Court judgement on the scientific validity of community water fluoridation, and that judgement is now available. And it supports the science – see this report on the OneNews webpage. (Hamilton City Council, please take note.)
The following content is from the Science Media Centre website:
The High Court has ruled on a high profile court case questioning the legal right of local councils to fluoridate water.
A decision from Justice Rodney Harrison, released today, rejected all grounds of a legal challenge from an anti-fluoridation campaign group which disputed South Taranaki District council's decision to add fluoride to water in Waverley and Patea.
Justice Harrison further concluded that water fluoridation is not a medical treatment, and does not differ fundamentally from other public health interventions aimed at a wider population, such as chlorination of water or the addition of iodine to salt.
Responding to news of the decision, Dr Jonathan Broadbent, Public Health Dentistry Specialist at the University of Otago comments:
"This decision reaffirms the legal basis of the scientifically sound practice of community water fluoridation. The people of New Zealand have the right to benefit from this effective public health practice. Community water fluoridation benefits everyone, especially those New Zealanders who are disadvantaged."
Prof Murray Thompson, Dental Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Otago, comments:
"This sensible judgment affirms the important role of community water fluoridation in keeping New Zealanders healthy."
Annette Taylor says:
YAY! A very good result, worth waiting for. Thank you for all the items you have written on this, Alison.
Alison Campbell says:
Unfortunately the anti-F groups have said they will appeal, & our Council needs to ‘review’ the judge’s decision before they can make one of their own…
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© says:
It’s incredibly obvious, isn’t it???
herr doktor bimler says:
Ice cream, Mandrake, children’s ice cream.
Alison Campbell says:
I’m sure those who claim it was used in WWII by Russians & Nazis alike are thinking just that.