Explaining the blatantly obvious

I've had a few difficulties in some discussions with students recently. It comes down to this: "How do I explain something that is so blatantly obvious it doesn't need explanation?"  The problem really is that a particular concept can be obvious to me, but not obvious to a student. The danger is then that, in […]

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Apparent forces

A couple of weeks ago I had the misfortune to be on a bus which had an accident. I wasn't hurt, because I was safely seated, which is more than I can say for one unfortunate passenger who was still on his way to his seat at the time. It wasn't a high-speed event – […]

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Sorry I’ve blogged-off

Hello everyone. Are you still there? It's not much fun reading a blog that doesn't update for several days, is it? My excuse is two-fold. 1. That the University of Waikato Semester A has just started. Actually, that isn't a real excuse since I've known about it for a long time. It just acts to […]

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Dem Cables

I've just been shifting around various bits of equipment and computers in our 2nd and 3rd year physics lab, to make way for an item that's shifting in there from a nearby lab. It's gone something like this…(rising in semitones, with apologies to the original performers)  Da power socket is connected to da extension cord; […]

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A load of rubbish

I've been reading through a student's report of his summer work placement. He  had a project on improving the performance of a heat exchanger used for getting rid of heat from a cryogenic cooler. The basic concept is that materials are being cooled to about 40 kelvin (that's 40 degrees above absolute zero, minus 233 […]

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