今日から大学は年末年始休暇 The university is closed from today

今日からワイカト大学は年末年始休暇[ねんまつねんしきゅうか]に入りました。大学がまた開くのは来年の1月5日(月)です。こう言うと、多くの人は「大学の先生は休みが長くていいなあ~」と思うでしょう。でも、私はこのように大学に働きに来ています(今このブログを大学で書いています)! 休みのあいだは学生がいないので、自分の研究をする時間に使えます。

The university is closed from today, re-opening on Monday the 5th of January 2009. But. As you can see, I am typing this at the university – for us, it is a great time to get our own research tasks done now! 
So what am I doing? – I have been comparing Japanese conversation to New Zealand English conversation now. Are you a New Zealander? – have you ever thought like “what a long explanation Japanese people often give! They do not give us a straight answer even for a simple question!” If you are Japanese, have you ever been frustrated as you could not help yourself giving long long explanation and just could not get to the point while you were talking in English? This is one of the things I have been looking at. Please tell me your own cross-cultural experience!

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