コアラパスタ Koala Pasta

日本人は旅行[りょこう]好き、おみやげ好きです。と言うか、どこかへ旅行へ行ったらおみやげを買って帰[かえ]ることが義務[ぎむ](gimu is duty; obligation)のように期待[きたい]されています。特[とく]に海外[かいがい]へ旅行へ行った時は家族[かぞく]はもちろん、友だちや会社の同僚[どうりょう]にまで買うことが暗黙[あんもく]の了解[りょうかい] (anmoku no ryokai is a kind of unwritten social agreement)となっています。 

そういうわけで! なんとなんと、メールオーダーやインターネットで旅行へ行く前におみやげを買えるビジネスが日本にはあるのです。おみやげを日本にいる時に買って、旅行の時はおみやげの心配[しんぱい]をしないで、旅行を楽[たの]しめるということです。今日インターネットで新聞[しんぶん]を読んでいたら「コアラパスタ」という広告[こうこく]を見ました。興味[きょうみ]があったのでクリックして見てみると、オーストラリアへ旅行する人のためのおみやげでした。コアラの形[かたち]をしたパスタで、1袋[ふくろ]100g、5袋で3,480円とのことです。そのほかにも、コアラデラックスマカデミアナッツ、コアラブランドショートブレッド、コアラチョコレートクッキーなどがありました。コアラパスタに興味がある人はどうぞここにアクセスしてみてください。
Japanese people like travel and souvenir. To be more accurate, if they go somewhere, they are somehow expected to buy and bring something back home. Particularly when they go abroad, they are socially almost like obliged to buy something for, not to mention their family, but also for their friends and colleagues.
Because of that – you might not believe this, but – there are quite a few companies to sell souvenir via mail order and the Internet. Japanese  tourists could buy souvenir even BEFORE they leave Japan. Then they would not have to be worried about souvenir while thay are abroad and they could fully enjoy their holiday there! When I was reading Japanese newspaper on the Internet today, I noticed an ad of “Koala Pasta.” I was curious, so clicked it. The page I accessed to was the site of a souvenir company. “Koala Pasta” was koala shaped pasta and 5 bags (1bag was 100 g) was 3,480 yen. There were also “Koala Deluxe Macadamia Nuts,” “Koala Brand Shortbread,” “Koala Chocolate Cookies,” and so on. As you now know, Japanese people who plan to go to Australia would buy these products as their souvenior for their friends and so on. If you are interested in “Koala Pasta,” the site is http://www.gift-land.com/partner/bbi1/products/detail.php?product_id=10807
What about souvenir for people coming to New Zealand? So I accessed to the page of the same company which sold New Zealand related products. I found “New Zealand Kiwi Chocolate,” “Sheep Cookies,” “Manuka Honey,” and so on. I do not think “Sheep Cookies” contains lamb meat! It is simply cookies shaped sheep… It might sound odd to non-Japanese people; these are just ordinary biscuits and taste-wise they are not such a special thing. Just sheep-shaped… and Japanese people would buy it in Japan BEFORE coming to New Zealand…
I am sure anybody would be delighted to receive gifts bringing back from abroad, but this type of business sounds a bit too far even to me…

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