明日は節分 Bean throwing festival tomorrow


It’s Setsubun tomorrow. Setsubun can be described as Bean throwing festival since we throw beans on the day. Setsubun this year falls on the 3rd  of February but it varies from year to year, but always some time at the beginning of February. We have a custom to determine “the first day of Spring” according to the Luna Calendar (as you might guess, we also have the dates called as “the first day of Summer” “the first day of Autumn” and “the first day of Winter”). And the first day of Spring this year is the 4th of  February and Setsubun is always the day before the first day of Spring.
We hold Setsubun event hoping getting rid of bad things and bringing in luck to prepare for another good year coming just before Spring begins.  There are three things most Japanese would do on Setsubun. One is to throw beans saying “Evil out and fortune in.” Another thing is to eat beans. You should eat beans as same as the number of the age of yours – so if you are 20 years old, you should eat 20 beans (yes, you’ve got to count beans to achieve this!) The last thing is to eat a rolled sushi – you might just think, “bring it on, I would be happy to do that!” But this sushi-eating custom would be slightly different from what you think. First of all, you have to have one-uncut-rolled sushi, yes, it is like one big black stick you have to eat. You have to eat it all by yourself and while eating you mustn’t talk to anybody. You also have to face to Ehoo direction, which is the lucky direction of the year (you should be able to find which direction is Ehoo direction this year on the Internet, I am not sure how the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere would count on this matter though… ). Eating a whole stick of sushi would be a bit awkward and would also take a bit of time… it is said that you would have a good year if you would manage to do it.
Tomorrow, many Shinto shrines will have this bean-throwing event. Celebrities and famous athletes will be invited at shrines and throw beans. So please check it out on the Internet tomorrow if you are interested!

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