日本映画無料上映会 FREE Japanese film showing

ワイカト大学では毎月1回日本の映画[えいが]を上映[じょうえい]しています。今月は、AIKIという映画で、来週[らいしゅう]木曜日[もくようび]2月19日午後[ごご]7時からです。入場料[にゅうじょうりょう]は無料[むりょう]でだれでも来ることができます。英語[えいご]の字幕[じまく][つ]き(jimaku is sub-titles)ですから、日本語があまりわからなくても大丈夫[だいじょうぶ]です。ストーリーは、太一[たいち]という青年[せいねん]がAIKIという武術[ぶじゅつ](bujutsu is martial arts)にとりくむ話[はなし]です。この映画[えいが]は、実際[じっさい]に半身麻痺[はんすいふずい](hanshin huzui is paralysis of one side of the body)になったデンマークの青年[せいねん]がAIKIを学[まな]んで黒帯[くろおび](kuroobi is black belt)となったという10年前の記事[きじ]を基[もと]作られたそうです。どうぞみなさん、映画を見にきてください。お問[と]い合[あ]わせは、ワイカト大学人文[じんぶん]学科[がっか]のアシーナ・チェンバーズまでどうぞ。

2月の映画 - AIKI
The University of Waikato holds a FREE Japanese film showing night once a month. We will start it this month again for 2009. Our February film is “AIKI” and it will be shown next Thursday. Admission is Free, No booking is required and it has English sub-titles. Please come along. ALL WELCOME.
Free Japanese film showing – February 2009
Date: Thursday 19 February 2009
Time: 7pm
Venue: L3 at The University of Waikato
Life Drama
119 Min
Director: Daisuke Tengan
Cast: Haruhiko Kato, Ryo Ishibashi, Rie Tomosaka
Story: The world of a young boxer is shattered after a motorcycle accident leaves him paralyzed from the waist down. One day, he encounters an aikido expert who inspires him to take up the martial art. Aikido allows him to think of his wheelchair as part of his body, and help him regain his confidence, giving him a new perspective on life.
Aiki was screened as part of the 2002 Venice Film Festival, as well as being selected for inclusion in a number of other festivals that year, including the Vancouver Film Festival and the Toronto Film Festival.
Film presented by the Consulate-General of Japan, The University of Waikato, The Japan Cultural Centre, Sydney (The Japan Foundation).
Here is the list of the dates for 2009 (Dates and times are subject to change).
ALL THURSDAYS at 7 pm held at L3
19 February 2009
12 March 2009
2 April 2009
14 May 2009
4 June 2009
23 July 2009
13 August 2009
17 September 2009
8 October 2009
12 November 2009
Any inquiries?
Please contact Athena Chambers at Department of Humanities.

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