裏巻き寿司 Inside out roll

1.裏巻き寿司1 resized for web.jpg→2.裏薪寿司2 resized for web.jpg→3.裏巻き寿司3 resized for web.jpg→4.裏巻き寿司4 resized for web.jpg

これは裏[うら][]き寿司[ずし]です。普通[ふつう]の巻[]き寿司[ずし]は外側[そとがわ]にのりがあります。でもこれはのりが中に入って、ご飯[はん]が外側[そとがわ]にあります。正確[せいかく]に言[]うと、その外側[そとがわ]のご飯のさらに外側[そとがわ]にはごまがついています。このような巻[]き寿司[ずし]を裏[うら][]き寿司[ずし]、英語ではInside out rollといいます。裏[うら]はBackside という意味[いみ]です。
[つく]り方[かた]は巻[]き寿司[ずし]とよく似[]ていますが、少し違[ちが]います。まきす(英語でsushi-mat)の上にオーブン・プルーフ・ぺーパーをおいて、そして、のりをおいて、その上にすし飯[めし] (vinegar-flavor rice prepared for making sushi)を広[ひろ]げます。そのあと、それをひっくり返してさらにご飯をのせます。レシピによってはここでご飯をのせずにのりの上に野菜[やさい]や魚[さかな]などを入れる場合[ばあい]もあります。とにかく、具[]をのせたら、普通[ふつう]の巻[]き寿司[ずし]と同[おな]じようにくるっと巻[]きます。そのあと、外側[そとがわ]にごまをつけます。
This is URAMAKI-ZUSHI. As you know, normal rolled-sushi, which I wrote about last week, is wrapped with nori, black seaweed. But nori is inside sushi in this case and rice is placed out of nori. The outside rice is coated with sesame seeds. This type of rolled sushi is called as Inside-out sushi in English.
The recipe of this type of sushi is similar to that of normal sushi, but not exactly same.  When you start making, you place non-stick paper (oven-proof paper) on sushi-mat, place nori on to it, and then spread sushi-rice onto it. You now turn nori with rice over. You now have non-stick paper between sushi-mat and sushi-rice and it makes your job easier since rice won’t stick to sushi-mat. Nori now faces up at this stage. Some recipe says you should put ingredients you want to put in onto nori directly, which is fine, but I spread sushi-rice here again and then place ingredients in the middle. For this sushi, I like to use cooked prawn, cucumber sticks, and shiso, Japanese herb. You are now ready to roll it up. At the end, arrange sesame seeds outside.
Bon a petit!

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