巻き寿司 Rolled sushi


先日[せんじつ]、わたしはすしをとても食べたくなりました。『delicious.』をいう料理[りょうり]の雑誌[ざっし]で、国際的[こくさいてき]に有名[ゆうめい]な日本人シェフ松久[まつひさ]さんのおすしの記事[きじ]を読[]んだからだと思[おも]います。そういうわけで巻[]き寿司[ずし]を作りました。巻[]き寿司[ずし]の巻[]きは rolled という意味[いみ]です。作[つく]り方[かた]は簡単[かんたん]。ご飯[はん]に酢[]、塩[しお]、砂糖[さとう]で味[あじ]をつけてすし飯[めし]を作[つく]ります。それをのりの上に広げてその真[]ん中[なか]に入れたい食べ物を並[なら]べます。何を入れてもいいですよ。そしてぐるっと巻[]いて(巻[]くためにはまきす(英語でsushi mat と言います、スーパーで買うことができます)という道具[どうぐ]が必要[ひつよう]です)切[]って食べます。わたしはお醤油[しょうゆ]とわさびをつけて食べるのが好きです。
1. 巻き寿司1 resiezed for web.jpg→2.巻き寿司2 resized for web.jpg→3.巻き寿司3 resized for web.jpg
Do you think sushi is something you buy and eat? Sushi is not so difficult to make. Actually all dishes which use vinegar-flavoured rice can be called sushi – in any forms!
The other day I suddenly felt like eating sushi. I recall now that it was probably because I read an article appeared in a magazine titled “delicious.” The article was about an internationally famous Japanese chef, Mr Matsuhisa (He owns many restaurants all over the world. Robert De Niro is his business pal!). Anyway I made makizushi – rolled sushi (maki means rolled). It is not difficult. First of all we make sushi-rice with cooked rice, vinegar, salt, and sugar. We spread this rice out onto nori (in this case, square-shaped seaweed), put ingredients we want to eat in the middle, roll it up and then cut it. To roll it up, you need to have makisu, which is called as “sushi-mat” in English. You can buy it at supermarkets here. I like to eat it with soy sauce and wasabi.
If you make sushi by yourself, you can put whatever you want to eat in it – isn’t is great? If you like sushi, please have a go!

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