日本はみんなマスクだらけ! Masks everywhere now!


前のブログに日本人はみんなマスクをしていると書きました。5月19日の日本のTVニュースを見ることがありましたので、そのニュースの画面[がめん]の写真[しゃしん]を撮[]りました。あまりいい写真[しゃしん]ではありませんが、みんなみんなマスクをしているのが分かります。 そして2つ目の写真[しゃしん]、この行列[ぎょうれつ]、何か分かりますか? マスクを買うために店[みせ]の前[まえ]に行列[ぎょうれつ]を作[つく]っているのです。店[みせ]の開店[かいてん]と同時[どうじ]にみんなマスク売[]り場[]に直行[ちょっこう]、そして1時間[じかん]でその店[みせ]のマスクがほとんど売[]れたそうです。
NHK news masks on people 23 May 09 resized for web.jpg NHK news queuw for masks on the 23rd May 09 resized for web.jpg
H1N1 flu AKA swain flu has indeed spread in Japan now. As of yesterday, 23 May, the number of the confirmed infected people reached 300. There were only people from Kansai Area (namely, Osaka, Hyogo, and Shiga Prefectures) till a few days ago, but finally some people got infected around Tokyo area.
I wrote that many Japanese now wore masks a few days ago. I had a chance to watch Japanese TV news broadcasted lately and took photos of some of the scenes reported there. I apologise for such poor quality, but the photos are good enough to see that many many people are, as I said (you might not have believed it then!), wearing masks. The second photo shows a queue. Do you know what for? This queue appeared in front of a shop where sold masks. People queued up before the shop opened and once it opened, all of them rushed into the shelves of masks! It apparently took just a hour or so to sell all of their stock – this is a kind of common practice these days in Japan.

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