期末試験 the end of the semester exam


ワイカト大学[だいがく] (多分[たぶん]、NZのほかの大学[だいがく]も同じ[おな]でしょう…)の期末[きまつ]試験[しけん]はとても大きなものです。ふつう、試験[しけん]は3時間。試験[しけん]監督[かんとく]、つまり試験[しけん][ちゅう]に教室[きょうしつ]で学生[がくせい]たちを見ている人は大学[だいがく]の先生[せんせい]ではありません。公正[こうせい]を期[](kosei wo kisu is to see fair play)ために、外部[がいぶ]の人[ひと]を雇[やと]います。その試験[しけん]の先生[せんせい]でも、教室[きょうしつ]には入[はい]らないことになっています。また、開始[かいし]時間[じかん]までに来[]なかった場合[ばあい]、少[すこ]しの遅[おく]れなら許[しゆる]してもらえますが、非常[ひじょう]に遅[おく]れたら教室[きょうしつ]に入[はい]ることは許[ゆる]されません。
Last week and this week are the exam week here, at the University of Waikato . The students have to work hard for the preparation.
The exam is a big deal at Waikato (I suppose any other universities in NZ carry on the exam in the similar way…). It normally takes 3 hours. The supervisors are not the uni lecturers. Fairness demands that people are hired for this purpose. So even the examiners (the lecturers who are in charge of the exam papers) are not supposed to get in the exam room. In the case that students do not turn up on time; they would be allowed to enter the room if it is not so late. If they are really late, there would be no way for them to take the exam then. The exam is treated very strict.
Three hour exam is quite something – there are a lot of questions for students to answer! It’s also tough for the teachers to make them as well as to mark  them afterwards! So we all have to hang on there and work hard!

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