日本は今[いま]、お中元[ちゅうげん]の季節[きせつ]です。みなさんは、お中元[ちゅうげん]について聞[き]いたことがありますか。日本では伝統的[でんとうてき]に夏[なつ]と冬[ふゆ]に贈[おく]り物[もの]をおくる習慣[しゅうかん](shukan is custom)があります。夏[なつ]の贈[おく]り物[もの]の習慣[しゅうかん]はお中元[ちゅうげん]、冬[ふゆ]の贈[おく]り物[もの]の習慣[しゅうかん]はお歳暮[せいぼ]と言[い]います。
It’s O-chuugen season in Japan now. Do you know what I am talking about? Japan traditionally has all sorts of gift-giving customs, one of them is called O-chuugen, which occurs in summer and another one is called as O-seibo, which is winter gift-giving custom.
We give gifts to people who did some favour for us; for example company employees often give it to their bosses. If your children take private piano lessons, swimming lessons and so on, you could give it to the teachers. Most of us buy gifts for these purposes at department stores. Food or drink are the most popular choice. The photos above shows a catalogue of O-seibo.
We have a lot of gift-giving customs in Japan. It is sometimes convenient but sometimes could be a bit bothersome. If you have a chance to be in Japan in July or in December, please go to any department stores nearby; you definitely find special gift product sections there for O-chuugen or O-seibo as this is a big deal for us!