車検 WoF

先日[せんじつ]、日本に住[す]んでいる友達[ともだち]が「車検[しゃけん]に137,000円[えん]かかる」とブログに書[か]いているのを見ました。137,000円と言[い]ったら、今[いま]のレートで2,300 NZドルくらいですよ! えっ、車検[しゃけん]に2,300ドル!?

I read one of my friends’ blog who lives in Japan. It said “shaken will cost me around 137,000 yen.” 137,000 yen is around 2,300 NZ dollars. Shaken is a sort of equivalent to WoF here – why does WoF cost over TWO THOUSANDS DOLLARS!?

いろいろ調[しら]べてわかりました。車検[しゃけん]はその名[な]の通[とおり]り、車[くるま]の検査[けんさ]です。NZで言[い]えば、WoF (Warrant of Fitness) のことですね。日本では、車検[しゃけん]は2年[ねん]に1回[かい]しなければいけません。その時[とき]検査料[けんさりょう]のほかに保険料[ほけんりょう]や税金[ぜいきん]を払[はら]うことになっています。検査[けんさ]だけは1,100~1,800円[えん]くらいだそうですが、保険料[ほけんりょう]や税金[ぜいきん]に5~60,000円くらいかかるようです。

じゃあなぜ私[わたし]の友達[ともだち]は137,000円も払[はら]うのか? それは、この時[とき]にいろいろな部品[ぶひん]の交換[こうかん]をする(kokan wo suru is to change)からだそうです。部品[ぶひん]のお金[かね]と、部品[ぶひん]をかえるための労働[ろうどう](rodo is labour)60,000円(1,000 NZドルくらい)くらい払[はら]うそうです。どんな部品[ぶひん]を交換[こうかん]するのかわかりませんが、NZでも例[たと]えばカムベルトなどをかえると1,000ドル近[ちか]くかかりますよね。
I now understand why it does cost so much after thorough (!) investigation. Sha in shaken means “car” and ken means “test,” so this is WoF here. In Japan, car owners have to have shaken every two years. The test itself does not cost much – it is between 1,100 – 1,800 yen ($ 30 at most). But they must pay the compulsory insurance, tax and so on at the same time, which cost around 60,000 yen in total.
So why does my friend have to pay 137,000 yen ($ 2,300)? Because, he said, he was recommended to change some parts and the parts and the labour for that cost him around 70,000 yen. I do not know what sorts of parts he is talking about. But some parts are very expensive here as well, for example, changing cam belt costs nearly $ 1,000 here.
In New Zealand, we have to have WoF every six month (except new cars, once a year) and have to pay registration fees etc. at NZ Postshop (or somewhere else) every three, six, or twelve months. Still it is much cheaper in NZ than Japan!! 

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