今週の日曜日の花見祭 Cherry Blossom Festival this Sunday


I posted beautiful cherry blossom photos taken in Hamilton the other day, but this is not just about Hamilton.


ニュージーランドは今[いま]、春[はる]。各地[かくち]でいろいろなイベントが行[おこな]われます。もしこの週末[しゅうまつ]、ウエリントンにいるのなら、日曜日[にちようび]にテ・パパとセント・ジェームス・シアターで行[おこな]われる花見[はなみ][まつり]に行[]ってみませんか。詳細[しょうさい]この通[とお]です。行[]かない人[ひと]もどうぞこのウェブサイトにあるチラシ (chirashi means flier) を見[]てください。日本的[にほんてき]な写真[しゃしん]がとてもたくさん入[はい]ったきれいなチラシです。
Spring has come to New Zealand! There are all sorts of events organised all over the country. If you are in Wellington this weekend, why don’t you go to Cherry Blossom Festival held at Te Papa and St. James Theatre on Sunday the 20th of September? There are Kyudo (Japanese archery) demonstration, tea ceremony and many others! If you are interested in knowing more, please access here. If you cannot make it, please have a look at the flyer on its site; this contains many very Japanesee beautiful photos!

Wellington; Cherry Blossom Festival

DATE: 20 September 2009 
VENUE: Te Papa and St James Theatre
Please join in and experience some authentic Japanese culture through traditional kyudo (Japanese archery) demonstrations, shakuhachi (bamboo flute) and shamisen (three-stringed musical instrument) music, beautiful ikebana (flower arranging) and the peaceful tea ceremony.
Handle the kyudo bows/arrows and the Japanese musical instruments, create ikebana, make tea, play with traditional Japanese toys and learn origami.

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