(c) kamoda
I read an article on the site of Asahi Shimbun Newspaper about Himeji Castle today.
姫路[ひめじ]城[じょう]は兵庫県[ひょうごけん] (大阪[おおさか]の隣[となり]) 姫路[ひめじ]市[し]にあるとても美[うつく]しい伝統的[でんとうてき]なお城[しろ]です。毎年[まいとし]多[おお]くの観光客[かんこうきゃく]が姫路[ひめじ]城[じょう]を見[み]に行[い]きます。しかし! 最近[さいきん]特[とく]にフランス人[じん]観光客[かんこうきゃく]が増[ふ]えているそうです。政府[せいふ]観光局[かんこうきょく]は『ロンリープラネット』やミシュラン社[しゃ]の旅行[りょこう]ガイドに姫路[ひめじ]城[じょう]が詳[くわ]しく紹介[しょうかい]されていることが理由[りゆう]の1つだと考[かんが]えています。
Himeji Castle is one of the most beautiful Japanese traditional castles. It is located in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture (next to Osaka). A lot of international as well as domestic tourists visit there all year around. But! the number of French visitors has remarkably increased apparently. One of the reasons, the Japanese Tourism Organization believes, is detailed reports appeared in Lonely Planet as well as Michelin’s guidebook. The newspaper site mentioned above also shows a photo of Himeji Castle!