This is our campus, the University of Waikato now!
9月は春[はる]、桜[さくら]の季節[きせつ]です。日本[にほん]では4月です。桜[さくら]の季節[きせつ]には日本人[にほんじん]はお花見[はなみ]をします。お花見[はなみ]は英語[えいご]に訳[やく]すとCherry blossom viewingですが、実際[じっさい]は(jissai means actually; to tell the truth)桜[さくら]の花[はな]の下[した]でするパーティのことです。桜[さくら]は口実[こうじつ]!?

(c) Stardog Champion (c) Toyohara
お花見[はなみ]に大切[たいせつ]なものは、お花見[はなみ]弁当[べんとう]! これは東京駅[とうきょうえき]で買[か]ったお花見[はなみ]弁当[べんとう]だそうです。おいしそうですね。お花見[はなみ]ではビールを飲[の]んだり、カラオケをしたりする人[ひと]もいます。
私[わたし]はキャンパスにある桜[さくら]の木[き]の下[した]でおいしいコーヒーを飲[の]みました! これが私[わたし]のお花見[はなみ]です(やっぱりビールはねえ…)

It is September now – yes, the season of Cherry blossom here now! In Japan it is April. We, Japanese do ohanami in April which can be translated as cherry blossom viewing. But actually viewing cherry is often a mere excuse for having a party!
But. It is true that Japanese people love cherry blossom and you can find a lot of beautiful spots for that in Japan. For example, Yoyogi Park in Tokyo is quite famous for that. The photo above shows an ohanami scene of Yoyogi Park. The one of the most important things for ohanami is, on my view, ohanami lunch box (you can do ohanami at night and then it should be called as ohanami dinner box?). The photo above shows one bought at Tokyo station. You can buy this type of ohanami lunch box at train stations, department stores, supermarkets and so on in the season in Japan (of course you could make one by yourself if you want ^^/). Quite a few people also drink beer and do karaoke there.
My ohanami was VIEWING (of course!) cherry blossom with a nice cup of coffee (beer would be, you know, not appropriate on campus during daytime…).