(c) komoda
お好[この]み焼[や]きを食[た]べたことがありますか。英語[えいご]で言[い]うと savoury pancake です。広島[ひろしま]と大阪[おおさか]がお好[この]み焼[や]きで有名[ゆうめい]です。
Have you ever eaten okonomiyaki? Okonomiyaki could be said as savoury pancake in English. Hiroshima and Osaka are famous for its own regional okonomiyaki.
写真[しゃしん]のお好[この]み焼[や]きは広島[ひろしま]のお好[この]み焼[や]き(広島[ひろしま]風[ふう]お好[この]み焼[や]きと言[い]います)です。作[つく]り方[かた]は難[むずか]しくないです、ちょっと面倒[めんどう]かもしれませんが…。まず小麦粉[こむぎこ]と水[みず]を混[ま]ぜて pancake batter を作[つく]ります。これを熱[ねっ]した鉄板[てっぱん]に薄[うす]く(フレンチクレープのように)丸[まる]く広[ひろ]げます。その上[うえ]に、スライスしたキャベツ、薄[うす]切[ぎ]りの豚肉[ぶたにく]、もやしなどをのせます。この上にそばまたはうどんをのせて、少[すこ]しpancake batter をかけて、ひっくり返[かえ]し、ヒラで強[つよ]く押[お]し付[つ]けます。またひっくり返[かえ]して、この上[うえ]に別[べつ]に料理[りょうり]した目玉[めだま]焼[や]きをのせて、ソースをかけて出来[でき]上[あ]がりです。美味[おい]しそうでしょう!
Okonomiyaki in the photo above is Hiroshima-style. It is not difficult to make (but you might think it requires a bit of work…). First, you make pancake batter with flour and water and then spread this batter on hot plate like making French crepe. You put a lot of sliced cabbage, thin-sliced pork, and bean sprouts on this French crepe-looking like thing. Add cooked Chinese noodle or udon noodle on top of that and then sprinkle a bit of pancake batter (it is for grueling them together). Using two big spatulas, turn it over and then push it hard from the top, so all ingredients would be cooked through. Turn it over again and put sunny side-up you prepared separately. Spread okonomiyaki sauce on top on that. That’s it!
I grew up in Hiroshima and do not know much about Osaka-style. If you are curious about it, please check it by yourself!
stephanie hope says:
火曜日にお好み焼きをたべました! 大阪風でした。 上に書かれたのとちょっと違いますけどおいしかった!
Talia says:
Osaka okonomiyake is fabulous!! I would like to try to write something in Japanese but my work computer doesn’t have the characters on it. I must ask for it to be added. 🙂
I hope all is going well with your thesis. Take care.
Fumiko Nishimura says:
Thank you for your comment, Talia-san! I have to say, Hiroshima-style is better!!! probably because I have grown up with it, not with Osaka-okonomiyaki… it is hard to make one here as I cannot get thinly sliced pork meat. But you can buy okonomiyaki sauce in Hamilton, which is great!
Yes, please send something in Japanese if you could next time!
My thesis… I think it is alright, the progress is, as you might expect, slow, but I am sure it is going forward!!
Fumiko Nishimura says:
ステファニーさん、こんにちは! 大阪風は広島風と違うんですよね。私は広島風の方がおいしいと思いますけど(広島風の味になれているから…)大阪風お好み焼きがおいしいという人も多いです。お好み焼きを作るためには、お好み焼きソースがとても大切です。ハミルトンでも買うことができます。ああ、私もお好み焼きが食べたくなってきました…。近いうちに自分で作って食べようかしら…。