まだ11月が始[はじ]まったばかりなのに、もう日本[にほん]ではクリスマスの飾[かざ]り付[つ]け(kazaritsuke is decoration)が始[はじ]まったそうです。このページにアクセスすると、六本木[ろっぽんぎ]ヒルズと呼[よ]ばれる、いろいろなお店[みせ]やレストランやがたくさんあるところの写真[しゃしん]が見[み]られます。六本木[ろっぽんぎ]ヒルズでは、これから12月25日まで毎日[まいにち]夜[よる]に電気[でんき]がつくそうです。
November has just started but a place in the CBD of Tokyo called “Roppongi Hills” has already set up Christmas illuminations! Roppongi Hills has all sorts of trendy shops and restaurants. This site shows a photo of its illuminations. You can see this illumination every night till the 25th of December.
The photo above was taken in December a few years ago at the main office of a German car company. It was amazing…