神戸[こうべ]女学院[じょがくいん]大学[だいがく]の内田[うちだ]樹[たつる]先生[せんせい]が「卒論[そつろん]の書[か]き方[かた]」という文章[ぶんしょう] (= text)をここに書[か]いていらっしゃいます。とてもよいアドバイスなので、日本語[にほんご]が読[よ]める人[ひと]、これから論文[ろんぶん] (= an academic essay; report)を書[か]く人[ひと]は是非[ぜひ] (= by all means)、読[よ]んでみてください。
Professor Uchida at Koge College, Japan wrote an essay titled “how to write a undergraduate dissertation" here. It provides you really good advice. If you can read Japanese and plan to write an academic essay, dissertation, or even a PhD thesis, this is really useful!