野田聖子議員、出産 Ms Noda’s baby birth

国会議員[こっかいぎいん] (= a member of parliament)の野田[のだ]聖子[せいこ]さんが今月[こんげつ]、アメリカで出産[しゅっさん]した(= to give birth)そうです。アメリカで出産[しゅっさん]したのは、アメリカ人[じん]女性[じょせい]から卵子[らんし] (= egg)の提供[ていきょう] (= donation)を受[]けての妊娠[にんしん](= conception)、出産[しゅっさん]だったからです。赤[あか]ちゃんのお父[とう]さんは、野田議員[のだぎいん]のパートナーだそうです。

Ms Seiko Noda, a member of parliament in Japan, gave birth a baby boy this month in the United States. Why did she do that in the US?—It is because Ms Noda received contribution from an American egg donor to make this birth happen. The father of the baby is Ms Noda’s partner.

野田議員[のだぎいん]は子[]どもがほしくて、長[なが]い間[あいだ]、不妊[ふにん]治療[ちりょう] (= fertility treatment)などいろいろな方法[ほうほう]を試[ため]してきました。養子[ようし]縁組[えんぐみ] (= child adoption)も考[かんが]えましたが、どれもうまくいきませんでした(umaku iku means to go well; so umaku ikanai means not to go well)。そして、去年[きょねん]、卵子[らんし]の提供[ていきょう]を受[]けて出産[しゅっさん]することに決めたそうです。今年[ことし]、50歳[さい]ですから、出産[しゅっさん]するためには、はやくした方[ほう]がいいと考[かんが]えたのでしょう。日本[にほん]では、養子[ようし]縁組[えんぐみ]、卵子[らんし]の提供[ていきょう]、不妊[ふにん]治療[ちりょう]などに関連[かんれん]する(= related)法律[ほうりつ] (law)があまりきちんと整[ととの]って(= established)いません。ですから、いろいろな理由[りゆう]で自然[しぜん]に(= naturally)子[]どもがもてない人[ひと]たち、野田議員[のだぎいん]のような人たちは、とても苦労[くろう] (= suffering)します。

子どもの出産[しゅっさん]に関連[かんれん]することはとても大切[たいせつ]なことです。野田議員[のだぎいん]の出産[しゅっさん]は大[おお]きなニュースです。今[いま]、日本[にほん]にいて、日本[にほん]の人[ひと]たちがどのような反応[はんのう]を示[しめ]して(= to react)いるのか、知[]りたいです。。。
Ms Noda wanted to have a baby and tried all sorts of medical treatment as well as child adoption for a long time. Nothing resulted success, so she chose to conceive in this way last year. She is 50 yr old now, so I presume she decided to do it now before it gets too late. In Japan, the law related to adoption, egg donation, fertility treatment and so on has not been properly established (and Ms Noda has been working very hard in this area as a lawmaker). So people like Ms Noda in Japan, who want to have a baby but have some issues preventing them from natural conception, would often have to go through difficult time.
I encountered this news at Japanese Newspaper sites, but noticed later that quite a few English sites reported this as well.


This news is related to all sorts of important issues and also the person who went through such a controversial procedure was a big name in Japan. Thus, I suppose, that this news has been treated like an international news. So if you are interested in this news but not be able to read Japanese texts, I recommend you to carry the internet search in English;  a keyword "Seiko Noda" should do the job.

I wish I would be in Japan now and see how people would perceive this news …

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