キレて裸に? Snapped and become naked?

先日[せんじつ]、とても不可解[ふかかい]な(= non-understandable)ニュースを朝日[あさひ]新聞[しんぶん]で読[]みました。

I read a weird news on Asahi Shimbun Newspaper the other day.

30歳[さい]前半[ぜんはん]の男性[だんせい]が、列車[れっしゃ]の中[なか]で服[ふく]を脱[]いで(fuku wo nugu means to take cloths off)裸[はだか] (= naked)になって、警察[けいさつ]に捕[つか]まった(= arrested)というニュースです。なぜ服[ふく]を脱[]いだかと言[]うと、乗[]りたかった電車[でんしゃ]ではない電車[でんしゃ]に間違[まちが]って(= wrongly; mistakenly)乗[]って、自分[じぶん]に腹[はら]が立[]った(jibun ni hara ga tatsu means to get angry on oneself)からだそうです。警察[けいさつ]によると、この男性[だんせい]は酔[]っ払[ぱら]ったり(= drunk)はしていなかったということです。

自分[じぶん]の間違[まちが]いで、それも列車[れっしゃ]に乗[]り間違[まちが]えたくらいで、列車[れっしゃ]の中[なか]で裸[はだか]になるなんて。。。 うーん。。。
最近[さいきん]は、多[おお]くの人[ひと]がとても小[ちい]さなことで、キレル(= to snap)ようです。やはりストレスがいっぱいの社会[しゃかい]だからでしょうか。。。
A 30-something yr guy striped off in a public train and was arrested by the police. The reason why he took his cloths off was that he got in a wrong train and got angry on himself. He apparently was NOT drunk or anything like that.  
Nobody forced him to get on that train; that was his own mistake. That must have been a frustrating mistake, but that was such a small thing…
It seems that many people could easily snap by such tiny weeny small things these days. Does this mean that we live in a totally stressful society…

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