今日はひな祭り Hina-festival in Japan today

Ohinasama resized for web.jpg 

今日[きょう]は3月3日、日本[にほん]では女[おんな]の子[]のお祭[まつ]り(= festival)、ひな祭[まつ]りです。
It is the 3rd of March, the day of Girls’ festival in Japan today. It is called “hina matsuri” in Japanese.


[うえ]の写真[しゃしん]はお雛様[ひなさま] (hina dolls)。2月中旬[ちゅうじゅん]ごろから今日[きょう]まで飾[かざ]ります(= to decorate)。でも、このような大[おお]きなお雛様[ひなさま]はとても高[たか]いし、大[おお]きな部屋[へや]がないと飾[かざ]れないので、普通[ふつう]はもっと小[ちい]さなお雛様[ひなさま]を飾[かざ]ります。

The above photo shows hina-dolls, “ohina sama” in Japanese. We normally have “ohina sama” from around the middle of February till today. But as you might imagine, this type of “ohima sama” is very expensive and occupies huge space in the house (therefore, you’ve got to have a huge house!), so many people would have smaller version of “ohina sama”.
People who have girls in their household do all sorts of things (including having “ohina sama”) wishing girls’ health and happiness. One of them is to eat “chirashi zushi” (a type of sushi). The photo below is “chirashi zushi”. If you are interested in cooking this, this site shows photos as well as its recipe!  
NB. I happened to find that this site shows photos of varieties of "ohina sama". All looks quite different but all of  them really nice "ohina sama"!

chirashi-zushi resized for web.jpg

2 thoughts on “今日はひな祭り Hina-festival in Japan today”

  • ohina sama wa totemo kawaii toomoimasu.
    sensei, is it possible to buy only one ohina doll or do all the dolls come in one set? how much are they usually? ^__^

  • Fumiko Nishimura says:

    値段[ねだん]は、そのお雛様の種類[しゅるい]によります(i.e., how big they are; what sorts of materials they are made of; what sorts of people make them and so on)。ブログにも書きましたが、以下のウェブサイトにアクセスすると、いろいろなお雛様の写真を見ることができます。
    もし、値段を知りたかったら、http://www.google.co.jp で、キーワードを「おひなさま」にして、インターネットサーチしてみてください。お雛様のお店のサイトがたくさん見つかると思います。

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