a 16 yr boy and his 80 yr nana were rescued!

 昨日[きのう]、16歳[さい]の少年[しょうねん]とその祖母[そぼ]、80歳[さい]が救助[きゅうじょ] (= rescue)されました。2人とも、元気[げんき]だそうです。

地震[じしん]の翌日[よくじつ] (= the following day)、先々週[せんせんしゅう]の土曜日[どようび]に「家[いえ]の2階[かい]にいて、無事[ぶじ] (= fine; unharmed)」との連絡[れんらく]が家族[かぞく]の携帯電話[けいたいでんわ] (= mobile phone)に入[はい]ったそうです。ですが、家[いえ]ごと(= the whole house)、津波[つなみ]で流[なが]されて(= to be pushed away)しまって、どこにいるのかわかりませんでした。昨日[きのう]、その16歳[さい]の少年[しょうねん]が屋根[やね]を破[やぶ]って(= to break)、屋根[やね]の上[うえ]に出[]ました。そして、警察官[けいさつかん] (= police officers)が少年[しょうねん]を見[]つけたのです!
この素晴[すば]らしいニュースは朝日[あさひ]新聞[しんぶん]このページで読[]めます。このページにはその少年[しょうねん]のお父[とう]さんの写真[しゃしん]があります。それは「少年[しょうねん]と祖母[そぼ]が見[]つかったというニュースを聞[]いたとき、どう思[おも]いましたか」と聞[]かれた(= to be asked)時[とき]の写真[しゃしん]です。お父[とう]さんの笑顔[えがお] (= smile)を見[]ると、どんなに嬉[うれ]しかったかがよ~~~く分かります!
As we have all heard from our local media, a 16yr boy and his 80yr grandmother were rescued yesterday in Miyagi-prefecture, one of the worst affected areas by the earthquake in Japan.
On the next day of the earthquake, which was Saturday a week before, one of their family members received a phone call or text message from the boy saying they were fine at the upstairs at home. But the whole house was pushed away by Tsunami and the family had no idea where they were. Yesterday, several police officers who kept walking around found the boy, who broke the roof and stayed on the top of the roof at the crucial moment. Harrah!!!
You can read this wonderful news (in Japanese) at this page of Asahi Shimbun Newspaper. This page shows a photo of the boy’s father. Apparently this photo was taken when a reporter asked the father what he felt when he heard the news; you can clearly see how delightful the news was from his big biiiiiiig smile!

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