今日[きょう]、朝日[あさひ]新聞[しんぶん]に小[ちい]さな心[こころ]温[あたた]まる(= heart warming)ニュースがありました。
I read a heart-warming article on Asahi Shimbun Newspaper today.
宮城県[みやぎけん]は、地震[じしん]と津波[つなみ]の被害[ひがい] (= damage)が一番[いちばん]酷[ひど]かった(the worst affected)地域[ちいき] (= area)の1つです。そこで、片[かた]づけ(= clearning; tidying)をしていた人[ひと]が、折[お]れた(= broken)桜[さくら]の木[き] (= cherry tree)を見[み]つけました。折[お]れたからもう死[し]んでいる、と思[おも]って、片[かた]づけようとした時[とき]、小[ちい]さなつぼみ(= buds)に気[き]がつきました。そこで、それをそのままにして(= to leave something as it is)おいたのだそうです。
As you know, Miyagi prefecture is one of the worst affected areas by the earthquake and Tsunami last month. A group was cleaning and tidying some areas in Miyagi prefecture the other day and there was a big broken cherry tree. When a member of the group was just about taking it away, he noticed small buds on the tree. He could not believe it because the big stem looked completely broken. But anyway he decided to leave it there.
The buds blossomed a week later. This page shows such beautiful little cherry blossom.