You can see camellias’ blossom everywhere in Hamilton now. I thought that camellias were adored only in Japan.
日本人[にほんじん]は桜[さくら]が好[す]きですけど、椿[つばき]もとても好[す]きです。日本的[にほんてき]な庭[にわ]には、よく椿[つばき]があります。ニュージーランドに来[き]て、いろいろな家[いえ]の庭[にわ]に椿[つばき]があることに気[き]がつきました。上[うえ]の写真[しゃしん]は、日本的[にほんてき]な椿[つばき]だと思[おも]います。つまり、「椿[つばき]!」と聞[き]いた時[とき]、日本人[にほんじん]が思[おも]い浮[う]かべる椿[つばき]は、このような一重[ひとえ] (= one layer (of flower petal))の赤[あか]い椿[つばき]だと思[おも]います。
As you know, Japanese people love cherry blossom. We love camellias as well. You often find camellias in Japanese themed gardens. I saw camellias in many home gardens in New Zealand. The above photo is a sort of typical Japanese camellia. What I mean is… that is the camellia Japanese people normally imagine when they think of “camellia” – the red flower with one layer petal.