先日[せんじつ]書[か]きました、大学[だいがく]センター試験[しけん]。先週[せんしゅう]末[まつ]に行[おこな]われました。今年[ことし]は、709会場[かいじょう] (= venue)で 55万人[まんにん] (yes, five hundred fifty thousand students!)の学生[がくせい]が試験[しけん]を受[う]けたそうです。ですが。。。
I wrote about the national centre test for university admissions the other day. It was held last weekend as it planned. The test was held at 709 venues and five hundred fifty thousand students took it. But…
今年[ことし]の試験[しけん]は、試験[しけん]の仕方[しかた]がいろいろ複雑[ふくざつ] (= complicated)で、40以上[いじょう]の会場[かいじょう]でいろいろな問題[もんだい]があったそうです。例[たと]えば、試験官[しけんかん] (= supervisor)は、問題[もんだい]用紙[ようし] (= question booklet)を2冊[さつ]配[くば]らなければ(kubaru means to hand out)いけなかったのに、1冊[さつ]しか配[くば]らず、もう1冊[さつ]はずっとあと(= much later)に配[くば]られました。そのため、本来[ほんらい] (= proper)の試験[しけん]時間[じかん]が少[すく]なくなってしまった学生[がくせい]がいたそうです。また、英語[えいご]の聞[き]き取[と]り試験[しけん] (= listening comprehension test)のためのプレーヤー(= an audio player)がなくて、試験[しけん]開始[かいし]時間[じかん]が2時間[じかん]遅[おく]れた(= to delay)会場[かいじょう]もあったそうです。
大切[たいせつ]な入学[にゅうがく]試験[しけん]です。学生[がくせい]はみんな緊張[きんちょう] (= nervous)しています。もう二度[にど]とこんな問題[もんだい]が起[お]こらないようにしてほしいです。
Apparently the test this year was quite complicated and quite a few students experienced all sorts of problems – at over 40 venues. For example, the supervisors were supposed to hand out two different question booklet for a test of some particular subject but they gave the students only one of them. Later they realised their mistake and the students eventually got both booklets. But this mistake forced the students to spend less time than they could have had. Some other students had to wait for their English test as a audio player was not there when they were scheduled to take a listening comprehension test.
As I wrote before, this university entrance exam is a big deal for the students and they are indeed really nervous. We all wish such mistakes will never happen again!
You can read the details in some pages of Asahi Shimbun Newspaper (such as here; it is in Japanese though…)