I will write about Japanese sweets here again!
北海道[ほっかいどう]に小樽[おたる]商科[しょうか]大学[だいがく]という大学[だいがく]があります。この大学[だいがく]は1911年[ねん]に創設[そうせつ]されました(= was established)。そして今、大学[だいがく]創立[そうりつ] (= establishment)100周年[しゅうねん]のイベントがたくさんあるそうです。
ワイカト大学[だいがく]でも同[おな]じようなイベントができないでしょうか?-ワイカト地方[ちほう] (= region)には牛[うし]や羊[ひつじ]がたくさんいるし、素晴[すば]らしい乳製品[にゅうせいひん] (= dairy products)がたくさんあります。もしワイカト大学[だいがく]で作[つく]ることになったら、私[わたし]も是非[ぜひ] (= by all means)参加[さんか]したい(sankasuru means to participate in)です!
A university called Otaru University of Commerce is located in Otaru-city, Hokkaido, Japan. This university was established in 1911 and has organised all sorts of events for celebrating its 100th anniversary now. Sanks, a franchised convenient store company, set up a special project group with students from the university and a confectionary shop in Otaru-city aiming to design a celebratory cake coinciding with the uni’s 100th anniversary.
Now the group managed to produce a special cake and it will appear in 190 Sanks shops all over in Hokkaido tomorrow.
I read this news in Asahi Shimbun Newspaper and the article shows a photo of the cake. This cheesecake looks pretty and delicious!
Why can’t we do the similar things in Waikato!? As you know, Waikato Region is famous for cows and sheep and produces a lot of wonderful dairy products. If this university should plan this type of project, I would definitely like to be there!!