先月[せんげつ]、新[あたら]しい会話[かいわ]分析[ぶんせき]技術[ぎじゅつ] (= technology with conversation analysis)についてのニュースを朝日[あさひ]新聞[しんぶん]で読[よ]みました。
I read a wonderful article in Asahi Shimbun Newspaper last month reporting new innovative technology in conversation analysis.
ここ数年[すうねん]、日本[にほん]では電話[でんわ]を使[つか]った詐欺[さぎ] (= fraud)事件[じけん] (= case)がとても多[おお]いです。それで、名古屋[なごや]大学[だいがく]と富士通[ふじつう]が一緒[いっしょ]に電話[でんわ]会話[かいわ]の研究[けんきゅう]をしました。そして、詐欺[さぎ]の電話[でんわ]を見分[みわ]ける会話[かいわ]分析[ぶんせき] (= conversation analysis)ソフト(= software)を作[つく]りました。素晴[すば]らしい!
富士通[ふじつう]のウェブサイトに詳[くわ]しい(= detailed)説明[せつめい] (= explanation)があります。これによると、詐欺師[さぎし] (= a swindler; con man)たちは、電話[でんわ]で驚[おどろ]く(= surprising)情報[じょうほう] (= information)をとてもたくさん次々[つぎつぎ]に(= one after another)伝[つた]えます(= to deliver)。例[たと]えば「あなたの息子[むすこ]さんが交通[こうつう]事故[じこ] にあった、今[いま]すぐ大金[たいきん]が必要[ひつよう]だ!(the whole sentence means: Your son had a traffic accident. He needs big money now!)」などです。人[ひと]はこのような情報[じょうほう]を突然[とつぜん] (= suddenly)、大量[たいりょう]に(= huge volume)受[う]け取[と]る(= to receive)と「過信[かしん] (literally, this means “over-belief”)」という心理[しんり]状態[じょうたい] (= psychological state)になるそうです。そして、過信[かしん]になった時[とき]、正[ただ]しい(= proper)判断[はんだん] (= judgment)ができなくなります。この過信[かしん]状態[じょうたい]は、話[はな]し方[かた]に現[あらわ]れる(= to appear)そうです。声[こえ]の大[おお]きさや高[たか]さが変[か]わるそうです。名古屋[なごや]大学[だいがく]と富士通[ふじつう]は、この過信[かしん]の時[とき]の声[こえ]の大[おお]きさや高[たか]さの特徴[とくちょう] (= characteristics)を研究[けんきゅう]しました。そして、過信[かしん]状態[じょうたい]がすぐにわかるコンピュータソフトを作[つく]ったのです。
過信[かしん]状態[じょうたい]の中[なか]にいると、人[ひと]は正[ただ]しい判断[はんだん]ができません。だから、コンピュータソフトに「過信[かしん]状態[じょうたい]ですよ~」と知[し]らせてもらえなければ、過信[かしん]であることに気付[きづ]きません(kiduku means to notice)。
これまでも、詐欺[さぎ]会話[かいわ] を見[み]つけるコンピュータソフトはありました。でも、これまでのソフトは、詐欺師[さぎし]の話[はなし]のボキャブラリーしか分析[ぶんせき]できませんでした(例[たと]えば、補償[ほしょう] (= compensation)、お金[かね]をすぐに振[ふ]り込[こ]む(= to make a deposit immediately)、など)。ボキャブラリーだけでは、詐欺[さぎ]会話[かいわ]を正確[せいかく]に(= accurately)見[み]つけられませんでした。でも、今[いま]のソフトは、電話[でんわ]の受[う]け手[て] (= receiver)、つまり被害者[ひがいしゃ] (= victim)の会話[かいわ]の特徴[とくちょう]も一緒[いっしょ]に分析[ぶんせき]します。そして、詐欺[さぎ]会話[かいわ]を見[み]つける成功率[せいこうりつ] (= success rate)がとても高[たか]くなったそうです。
言語学[げんごがく]の研究[けんきゅう] (= linguistics studies)がすばらしいソフトを作[つく]ったというわけです!
There have been a lot of fraud cases using telephone reported in Japan. Nagoya University and Fujitsu (the company is famous for air conditioning in New Zealand, but this company also supplies computers and computer-related products) have studied the conversations in those cases and managed to deliver a new detective software! Isn’t it amazing!
The official website of Fujitsu describes how the software works (in Japanese…). In those fraud cases, con men normally give their targeted people (= their imminent victim) a lot of surprising information at once like machine gun shooting. For example: Your son had a traffic accident. He needs big money now!. When people receive such information in such a manner, they fall in a psychological state called “kashin” (this word is Japanese which literally means “over-belief”. Since I am not a psychologist, I am not sure how I should translate this into English. Please let me know, if you can help me on this!!!). When people fall in this type of psychological state, they lose their proper skills of judgment. Then the pitch and/or volume of their voice changes. The research team formed with Nagoya University and Fujitsu has examined the characteristics of the voices in such a psychological state and then now have managed to produce a computer software which can detect those characteristics.
When people are in “kashin” state, they do not have proper judgment; therefore, they need to be told that they are in “kashin” state. Otherwise, they would not realise until it would be too late (money would be stolen by then)!
There was some computer software which dealt with such fraud conversations in the past. But they only analysed vocabulary of the swindlers (the software picked words like “compensation” and so on). This type of analysis did not give good detecting rate. However, the new software analyses the vocabulary as well as “kashin” state of the phone call receivers (i.e., potential victims) and its detecting rate is incredibly high.
This is a wonderful outcome from linguistics studies!!