東京[とうきょう]の上野[うえの]動物園[どうぶつえん](= zoo)で先週[せんしゅう]、パンダの赤[あか]ちゃんが生[う]まれたそうです。最近[さいきん]は、暗[くら]い(= dark; sad)ニュースが多[おお]いですが、これはとっても明[あか]るい幸[しあわ]せな(= happy)ニュースです。詳[くわ]しくは(= details)、朝日[あさひ]新聞[しんぶん]のこのページで読[よ]むことができます。動画[どうが](= a motion picture)もここでみることができます。 Baby panda was born at Ueno Zoo, in Tokyo last week. You can read the details of this happy news at this page of Asahi Shimbun Newspaper. You can also see a motion picture here. We have had enough negative news these days; therefore, this baby panda news was particulaly appreciated and made the Japanese […]
Continue readingYear: 2012
人災だった It was preventable
昨日[きのう]、福島[ふくしま]原発[げんぱつ] (= Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant)の事故[じこ](= accident)調査[ちょうさ](= investigation)委員会[いいんかい] (= committee; panel)が調査[ちょうさ]結果[けっか] (= results; outcomes)を発表[はっぴょう]しました(= released)。 A parliamentary panel that had been investigating Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident released its findings yesterday.
Continue reading英語が公用語に!2 English becomes the official language in a Japanese company!2
先日[せんじつ](= the other day)、楽天[らくてん]の社内[しゃない] (= within the company)英語[えいご]公用語[こうようご] (= the official language)のニュースについて書[か]きました。 I wrote about Rakuten, a Japanese IT company, whose official corporate language is now English.
Continue reading英語が公用語に! English becomes the official language in a Japanese company!
楽天[らくてん]、という会社[かいしゃ]を知[し]っていますか。Have you heard a Japanese company called Rakuten?
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今日[きょう]は沖縄[おきなわ]慰霊[いれい]の日[ひ]です。1945年の今日[きょう]、沖縄[おきなわ]で繰[く]り広[ひろ]げられたアメリカ軍[ぐん] (= U.S. Army)との戦争[せんそう] (= war)が終[お]わりました。沖縄[おきなわ]での戦争[せんそう]は、第二次[だいにじ]世界[せかい]大戦[たいせん] (= WWII)中[ちゅう]、唯一[ゆいいつ] (= only)日本[にほん]の国土[こくど] (= national land)で繰[く]り広[ひろ]げられた戦争[せんそう]です。20万人以上[いじょう]の人[ひと]たちが亡[な]くなりました(= dead)。 前日[ぜんじつ]の昨日[きのう]、そして慰霊[いれい]の日[ひ]の今日[きょう]、沖縄[おきなわ]では式典[しきてん] (= ceremony)が行[おこな]われます(= to be held)。朝日[あさひ]新聞[しんぶん]のここやここで記事[きじ]が読[よ]めます。写真[しゃしん]もあります。 Irei no Hi (lit. the day to console the dead in Japanese) is June 23, the day systematic fighting of Japanese in Okinawa came to an end in 1945 (according to the description in Wikipedia). […]
Continue readingInformation Expo @Waikato THIS SUNDAY
We will hold University of Waikato Information Expo this Sunday. If you are interested in studying at Waikato in the near future, this is for you! You can talk to staff from schools and faculties to get all sorts of useful information. University of Waikato Information Expo DATE: Sunday 24 June 2012TIME: 11.00am – 3.00pmVENUE: […]
Continue readingワンピース展終了 One piece exhibition ended
今[いま]、世界中[せかいじゅう]で大人気[だいにんき]の「One piece」。東京[とうきょう]のアートギャラリーで展覧会[てんらんかい] (= exhibition)がありました。このことは前[まえ]にこのブログでも書[か]きました。 There was the exhibition of One piece – one of the most popular manga in the world now – held in Tokyo (I wrote about this here sometime ago).
Continue readingFREE Japanese film showing – This Thursday (21 June 2012)!
今週[こんしゅう]の木曜日[もくようび]、日本[にほん]映画[えいが]を上映[じょうえい]します。今月[こんげつ]の映画[えいが]はスタジオ・ジブリのアニメです! とても心[こころ]温[あたた]まる(= heart-warming)、よい映画[えいが]です。、是非[ぜひ]見[み]に来[き]てください。 Free Japanese Film Showing – June 2012Date: Thursday 21 June 2012Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PMLocation: L3 (Waikato University) Contact: dianek@waikato.ac.nz or 838-4932Website: http://www.waikato.ac.nz/wfass/subjects/humanities/news/japafilms.shtml Admission Free! No booking required! English sub-titles! ALL WELCOME. "Only Yesterday" 『おもいでぽろぽろ』 119min | 1991 | PGDirector: Isao TakahataVoice: Miki Imai, Toshiro Yanagiba Studio Ghibli Animation!!! Animation for […]
Continue reading信じられないケース Unbelievable case again…
昨日[きのう]、大阪[おおさか]で痛[いた]ましい(= dreadful; painful)事件[じけん] (= incident)があったそうです。朝日[あさひ]新聞[しんぶん]のここで読[よ]みました。 I read a newspaper article in Asahi Shimbun Newspaper reporting a dreadful murder case occurred in Osaka, Japan.
Continue readingお好み焼き2 Savoury pancake 2
If you go to a sort of old fashioned okonomiyaki restaurant, your dishes will be served like this! As you might see, this is a tatami-mat room and okonomiyakis are served in a communal iron cooking board! It is a fun way to eat okonomiyaki with your friends!
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