おにぎり事件! Rice ball incident!

おむすび2.jpgちょっと楽[たの]しいニュースです。上[うえ]の写真[しゃしん]、何[なに]かわかりますか。I will write about fun news today. Do you know what this is?


先日[せんじつ]、岡山市[おかやまし](= Okayama city)のスーパーがおにぎり事件[じけん](= incident)を起[お]こしました! そのスーパー、いつもはおにぎりを60個[こ][し][い]れる(= to stock)そうです。しかし、その日[ひ]間違[まちが]って仕[し][い]れたのは2,000個[こ]。店[みせ]のツイッター(= tweeter)で「おにぎりだらけです。。。」とSOSを発[はっ]しました。そのスーパーの近[ちか]くにはいくつか大学[だいがく]がありました。大学生[だいがくせい]たちが「助[たす]けてあげよう」とリツイートして、なんと全部[ぜんぶ][う]れたそうです。

ツイッター、こんなふうに使[つか]えるんですね! このニュース、朝日[あさひ]新聞[しんぶん]ここで読[よ’]みました。

This is called Onigiri in Japanese – yes, it is a rice ball. Every Japanese likes it. In Japan, people make onigiri by themselves and also buy them at supermarkets. Onigiri is definitely part of our everyday life.

Anyway, a supermarket in Okayama city caused “Onigiri incident” the other day. The shop normally stock 60 packages of onigiri per day but on that day, somebody accidently sent an order of 2,000 onigiri! So the shop tweeted like “Help, our shop is full of onigiri…” Fortunately for the shop, quite a few university students who studied at the nearby universities re-tweeted and all of onigiri (yes, all 2,000 packages!) were sold out on the day.

You can use tweeter in this way! How interesting! I read this news here in Asahi Shimbun Newspaper.

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