領収書なし!? No receipt!?

以前[いぜん] (= previously)、記者[きしゃ]会見[かいけん] (= press conference)で泣[]いた県議[けんぎ] (= councillor)のニュースを[]きました

I wrote about the press conference done by a "crying" concillor in Japan here before.

県議[けんぎ]が不正[ふせい]に(= illegally)議会[ぎかい] (= council)のお金[かね]を使[つか]った疑[うたが]い(= suspicion)がありました。そして、そのため県議[けんぎ]は記者[きしゃ]会見[かいけん]をしました。そして、厳[きび]しい(= severe)質問[しつもん]が出[]たときに、県議[けんぎ]が号泣[ごうきゅう]して(= to cry)しまった、というニュースでした。

この県議[けんぎ]は、30,000NZドル以上[いじょう] (= over)のお金[かね]を出張[しゅっちょう]旅行[りょこう][] (= business trip expenditure)に使[つか]ったと申請[しんせい]しました(= claimed)。でも、それを裏[うら][]ける(= to back)資料[しりょう] (= evidence)はどこにもありませんでした。その出張[しゅっちょう]が非[]現実的[げんじつてき] (= unrealistic)だったので(1年に200近[ちか]くの旅行[りょこう]をしたそうです!)、問題[もんだい]になりました。これをきっかけに、いろいろなところで調査[ちょうさ] (= investigation)が始[はじ]まりました。なんと!-鳥取県[とっとりけん]を除[のぞ]く(= except)46都道府県[とどうふけん]で(日本[にほん]には都道府県[とどうふけん]が全部[ぜんぶ]で47あります)領収書[りょうしゅうしょ] (= receipt)を出[]さなくても、お金[かね]が使[つか]えるシステムになっていることがわかりました。例[たと]えば(= for instance)「東京[とうきょう]に出張[しゅっちょう]した。ホテルに3泊[ぱく] (= three night stay)した」と書[]いて出[]せば、そのための交通費[こうつうひ] (= expenditure for travel)と宿泊費[しゅくはくひ] (= expenditure for accommodation)のお金[かね]がもらえるシステムです。東京[とうきょう]に行[]くために買[]った航空券[こうくうけん] (= flight ticket)の領収書[りょうしゅうしょ]とか、ホテルに泊[]まったときの領収書[りょうしゅうしょ]など、何[なに]も出[]さなくてもいいのです。これじゃあ、このシステムを悪用[あくよう]して(= to make wrongly use of)、お金[かね]をどんどんとる人[ひと]が出[]てきます(= to appear)よね。


The news I wrote about before was that a councillor held a press conference because of his suspicious money spending. At the conference, Mr Nonomura, the councillor, did not answer questions about his spending; instead he cried and cried.

According to the documents Mr Nonomura submitted, he spent over 30,000 NZ dollars for business trips. These claims were not supported by any receipts. His itinerary looked quite unrealistic (can you believe somebody made almost 200 trips within a year!?) and investigation started not only on Mr Nonomura's case but also on any other councillors' cases.

Surprise, surprise – 46 prefectures (NB. Japan consists of 47 prefectures) do not demand councillors to submit any receipts for their so-called "business related" expenditure; I read this at Asahi Shimbun Newspaper. More accurately, we are here talking about Seimu katsudo hi (lit. Expenitures for political activities), which covers expenditures on any councillors' research/activities for the sake of their council's business. For instance, if a councillor claims "I needed to go to Tokyo to have meetings on blah blah (should say something plausible about the purpose of meetings, I suppose…). I stayed there for three nights", s/he would be given with money supposed to cover transport and accommodation without any receipt attached.

No wonder Mr Nonomura claimed that he made many many trips! I

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