上[うえ]の写真[しゃしん]は、何[なに]か分[わ]かりますか。これは飲[の]み物[もの]を買[か]う自販機[じはんき](= vending machine)です。日本人[にほんじん]は自販機[じはんき]が好[す]きです。日本[にほん]の至[いた]る所[ところ](= everywhere)に飲[の]み物[もの]の自販機[じはんき]があります。 As you might have heard, Japanese people like vending machines. There are quite a few vending machines of drinks across the country.
Continue readingYear: 2014
謹賀新年2014 Happy New Year 2014!
明[あ]けましておめでとうございます。本年[ほんねん]もよろしくお願[ねが]いします。 さてみなさんは、良[よ]いお年[とし]を迎[むか]えていますか。ここハミルトンはとても良[よ]い天気[てんき]。毎日[まいにち]暑[あつ]いです。いろいろな花[はな]が咲[さ]いています。 Happy New Year! Please come to visit my blog this year as well. So, are you having a good new year? – I hope so anyway. Hamilton has been having good weather. It is warm and summery. There are lots of pretty flowers around here.
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