Are you watching the Rubgy World Cup which is held in UK?
少し前に、ここに 日本のラグビー高校生のことを書きました。日本の高校生が「Game on English」というプログラムに参加しました。ワイカト大学で英語を勉強しながら、ラグビーのトレーニングをしました。かれらはきっと、次のW杯、 2019年にAll Japanとして活躍するかもしれません。かれらのハミルトンでのがんばりぶりが、今YouTubeで見られます。
とりあえずは、今のAll Japanに、英国でもっとがんばってもらいましょう! がんばれ、日本!!
All Japan was beaten by Scotland a couple of days ago; but we still vividly remember All Japan's fantastic performance when they had beaten South Africa!
I wrote about Rugby students from Japan here some time ago; Japanese high school students came here, to Hamilton to participate in a programme called 'Game on English'. They were based in the University of Waikato to learn English and rugby. They might be seen in All Japan in the next World Cup in 2019. Their hard training now can be seen on YouTube.
Anyway, we now have to keep an eye on current All Japan's perfomance in UK. Go Japan, Go Brave Blossoms!!