As you know, Japan will host the 2020 Summer Olympics. Japan needs to build/renovate all sorts of stadiums/buildings for this big event. Some people doubt about some of the building plans.
Continue readingYear: 2015
Sayonara, Tama
The funeral for Tama, the famous stationmaster, was held yesterday. Apparently 3,000 people paid a visit… She was indeed loved by so many people. You can see how much people miss Tama on Asahi Shimbun Newspaper website (the motion picture can be found here).
Continue readingTama, the famous stationmaster
(c) Douglas Sprott 和歌山県[わかやまけん]、貴志駅[きしえき]のたま駅長[えきちょう](= stationmaster)を知っていますか。Do you know Tama, the stationmaster at Kishi Station, Wakayama-prefecture?
Continue reading沖縄・慰霊の日 Ireinohi in Okinawa
70年前の今日、沖縄[おきなわ]での戦[たたか]いが終[お]わりました。沖縄は、世界[せかい]第二次[だいにじ]大戦[たいせん]中[ちゅう](= during War II)、日本で戦いが行われた唯一[ゆいいつ]の(= only)場所[ばしょ](= place)です。戦いは3か月近[ちか]く続[つづ]きました。20万人の人が亡[な]くなりました。 早く戦争のない世界になってほしいものです。 It was 70 years ago today, the Battle of Okinawa ended. Okinawa was the only place in Japan, where was invaded during WW II. The battle lasted almost three months and over 200,000 people were killed. We all wish no war in the world.
Continue readingペッパー Pepper
ペッパーを知っていますか。Do you know Pepper?
Continue readingキュート・ジャパン 2! Cute Japan! 2
「かわいい」は日本のポップカルチャーのキーワードです。私は前にも「かわいい」について書きました。上の写真は、私の友だちが作ったお弁当です。かわいいですよね。もちろん、食べられます!! "Cuteness" is one of the keywords for Japanese Pop Culture nowadays and I wrote about it before. The above photo shows "obento" (= boxed lunch) which my friend made; yes, that cute looking bear is edible!
Continue readingFree Japanese film showing – June 2015
We will show another film this Thursday, on 18 June 2015 at L3, University of Waikato; it will start at 19:00. As usual, it has English subtitles. Free admission!! ALL WELCOME!!! Always – Sunset on Third Street 3 ©2012 “Always3” Film Partners Director : Takashi Yamazaki Cast : Hidetaka Yoshitaka, Koyuki 2012 | 142min […]
Continue readingFIFA U-20 World Cup comes to Hamilton!
若[わか]い人たちがプレイするFIFAワールド杯[はい]が今、ニュージーランドで開[ひら]かれています。ハミルトンでも試合[しあい]があります。日曜日に、既[すで]に(= already) 試合が2つありました。 The FIFA U-20 World Cup kicked off last weekend in New Zealand. Hamilton hosts some games; two of them took place a few days ago!
Continue readingJapanese rugby players in NZ!
Probably many people know about Fumiaki Tanaka, the first Japanese player playing in the Super Rugby competition in New Zealand (Tanaka plays for the Highlanders). Did you know about Japanese players playing in Waikato club rugby?
Continue readingOpen Day coming!!
The University of Waikato will hold Open Day this Friday (22 May 2015)!! All sorts of thing will be happening. If you happen to be in or near Hamilton, please come along. I will give a mini lecture too. We are all looking forward to seeing you here! The programme is available here. みなさんに会えるのを楽しみにしています。詳しくは、ここで!
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