日本の柑橘類 Japanese citrus

下の写真の黄色いもの、何かわかりますか。Do you know what those yellow things are in the followiing photo?

Bite May 2017 YUZU.jpg

これはゆずです。日本の柑橘類[かんきつるい](= citrus)の1つです。私はニュージーランドで見たことがありません。でも、ニュージーランド・ヘラルド紙[し]によると、ニュージーランドのどこかで育[そだ]てられて(= to be grown)いるそうです。

この新聞[しんぶん]の季節[きせつ]の(= seasonal)産物[さんぶつ](= produce)のレポートはとてもおもしろかったです。今週のこのレポートは、まずみかんについて書かれています。そして次[つぎ]にゆず、それから次は柿[かき]( =persimmons)でした! どれも日本の果物[くだもの](= fruit)です。

興味[きょうみ]がある人は、ここで読むことができます。ニュージーランド人シェフのピーター・ゴードンさんのポン酢[ず](= ponzu)のレシピもありますよ!

This is called YUZU, one of the Japanese citrus. I have never seen it here, in New Zealand, but apparently you can get it somewhere in New Zealand according to New Zealand Herald.

It is interesting to see this article, that appeared in New Zealand Herald a few days ago – this page, which reports seasonal produce each week, talked about a lot of Japanese fruit this week; it started with Satsuma mandarins and it moved onto Yuzu and then persimmons! All of them are Japanese fuit!!

If you are interested in this report, you can read it here. Peter Gordon, the famous Kiwi Chef, shares his ponzu dressing recipe there!

Bite May 2017 YUZU 2.jpg

2 thoughts on “日本の柑橘類 Japanese citrus”

  • It must be 柚子, right?
    I do love 柚子.
    As you know, we Japanese don’t eat this as fruit, but enjoy the aroma of its skin. There are always a few 柚子 in my fridge, and I use the skin when cooking soup, noodles, or tofu.

  • Fumiko Nishimura says:

    Yes, this is about 柚子. The article says that it produces limited juice; therefore, people mainly use the fragrant skin.
    I have already seen ‘ponzu dressing’ recipes in magazines and books here. Most of them uses lemon juice or something as Yuzu is not readily available. Peter Gordon’s recipe suggests to use Yuzu juice (by the way, Peter Gordon often uses Japanese ingredients; such as hijiki!); so Yuzu will hopefully be readily available in New Zealand soon!?

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