Japan Day 2019

A big Japanese event called Japan Day 2019 was held in Eden Park, Auckland yesterday (its official website is here: https://www.japanday.org.nz/). There were food stalls, live music/dance stage, a book store, travel agency booths, sake/wine (the vintners are Japanese) tasting desks and so on! As you can see in the photo above, many many many […]

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すもも Plum

It is the season of stone fruit in New Zealand. Plum, a kind of stone fruit, is called sumomo in Japanese – in this case, it seems that su means sour and momo means peach (implying that plum is a sour version of peach!). 今、ニュージーランドはすももがおいしい季節[きせつ](= season)です。「えっ、すももって何?」と思った人、いませんか。すももは、英語でPlumです。酸味[さんみ](= sourness)が強[つよ]い(= strong)桃[もも](= peach)、ということで日本ではすももと呼ばれているらしいです。漢字は、李[すもも]です。 Before coming to New Zealand, I […]

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