Japan in New Zealand ニュージーランドの中の日本

Japan in New Zealand ニュージーランドの中の日本

I bought persimmons the other day. Can you read the sticker on the fruit (you can see a bigger photo below)? 先日[せんじつ](= the other day)、柿[かき](= persimmon)を買いました。柿についているシール、何かわかりますか(下にもっと大きな写真があります)。 You might not know that there are a few varieties of persimmons. One of the most consumed kinds is called 富有, which is read fuyuu (long vowel). I presume […]

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It is July!

It is July!

It is July; time indeed flies. Cold days continue in New Zealand but I saw the above flowers this morning, that makes me feel that spring is slowly but surely approaching. This shrub is called chaenomeles. Some websites say this is also called Chinese quince, Japanese quince etc. (it is apparently native to western China). […]

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Matariki and Subaru

Matariki and Subaru

People in New Zealand now celebrates Matariki – this is the Māori New Year. The date of Matariki is determined by the location of the Pleiades star cluster in the sky and it is normally around this time of year. Yes, it is normally closed to the June Solstice and during winter  in New Zealand […]

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Exciting information about Tokyo

Viva, the New Zealand Herald, shows all sorts of interesting articles about Tokyo this week. The photo above is copied from this site: https://www.viva.co.nz/article/food-drink/where-to-find-best-cheap-eats-in-tokyo/ It is probably because many people in New Zealand will visit Japan soon. Do you want to know why? – it is because the 2019 Rugby World Cup will be held […]

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Open Day is in full swing!

Open Day is in full swing!

It is Open Day here, at the University of Waikato. The weather is fantastic (see pictures below, taken this morning) and all sorts of interesting things are happening right here right now, on Hamilton campus. It is not too late yet. Please come along! https://events.waikato.ac.nz/events/open-day/

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Open Day next week!

https://events.waikato.ac.nz/events/open-day/ We, the University of Waikato, will hold Open Day next week (interestingly, Japanese universities call this type of event ‘Open campus’, by the way…). It will be on at the Hamilton campus on Friday the 17th of May. Another one will be on at the Tauranga campus on Friday the 21st of June. I […]

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Popular lunch2 人気のお昼ご飯2

Popular lunch2 人気のお昼ご飯2

What is a popular lunch menu for vegetarians… I think there are quite a few choices but I would say falafel. You can buy it at cafes and kebab shops. It can be found at supermarkets too these days. I do not think falafel is so well known in Japan. ベジタリアンの人たちに人気[にんき]の(= popular)お昼[ひる]ご飯[はん]は何でしょうか、、、いろいろありますが、ファラフェルが人気だと思います。ファラフェルはひよこ豆[まめ](= chickpeas)のコロッケで、元々[もともと](= originally)は中東[ちゅうとう](= the […]

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Popular lunch 人気のお昼ご飯

Popular lunch 人気のお昼ご飯

Can you guess what is a popular lunch menu in New Zealand? I think it’s sushi these days. You can easily find sushi shops in this country; even on campus of the University of Waikato! You can eat it at a shop or take it away. ニュージーランドの人気[にんき]の(= popular)お昼[ひる]ご飯[はん]、何だと思いますか。最近[さいきん](= these days)は、すしです。ニュージーランドのあちこちですし屋[や]が見つかります。ワイカト大学のキャンパスにもすし屋があるくらいです。お店で食べたり、テイクアウトしたりします。 The reasons for its popularity […]

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