The New Zealand government had a cabinet meeting this afternoon and announced that Hamilton and the nearby towns in the Waikato region would remain in the COVID Alert Level 3 for a few more days.
In case you might not be familiar with our alert level system; Level 3 is a sort of lockdown. The strictest lockdown is called Level 4 and the Level 3 setting allows us a bit more freedom (not much, I have to say…). For example, all restaurants and cafes are completely closed under Level 4 but those premises are running business only for contactless transactions; we can get takeaway coffee at Level 3 but not at Level 4.
The reason behind today’s decision is… as far as I understand, there were some mystery COVID positive cases found in this area in the past week. The total number of the COVID cases in the Waikato region is not huge but some of them are so called ‘mystery’ cases; we do not know how those cases got infected. Because of this (and perhaps some other reasons), the government decided to remain cautious. It is a shame that we would not shift to Level 2…(´;ω;`) We just have to hang on there…
Kia kaha, New Zealand!