Fumiko’s Posts

When you are busy… 忙しい時は…

When you are busy… 忙しい時は…

What would you do when you are busy/tired and cannot be bothered to prepare a meal? If you are in New Zealand, probably… fish and chips? Chinese takeaways? If you are in Japan, ‘konbini no obento’ would be definitely one of your options! 忙しかったりつかれていたりして、料理をしたくない時、みなさんはどうしますか。ニュージーランドの人は、フィッシュアンドチップスとか、中華料理のテイクアウトでしょうか。日本にいたら。。。コンビニのお弁当を考えるでしょう。 ‘Konbini’ is an abbreviation for convenience stores in Japanese. ‘Konbini’ is […]

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki again…

Hiroshima and Nagasaki again…

August has come again. We had the 78th anniversary ceremony in Hiroshima a couple of days ago. Another ceremony will be held in Nagasaki tomorrow. We must, more than ever before, remind ourselves of the consequences people have been through in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You might be interested in reading this: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/hiroshima-78th-anniversary-mayor-calls-nuclear-deterrence-folly/BQ23I4GK5ZASLHMXD6XNVTXMYA/

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Join us our next Open Day!!!

The University of Waikato will hold open day(s) soon. Why did I type open day(s)? – I did this deliberately because we want you to know that there are several days set for this special opportunity; hopefully many people will manage to find time and visit us!! Hamilton Campus Fri 26 May: 9am – 2pm […]

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Trimester A will start soon もうすぐ前期の授業が始まります

Trimester A will start from 27 February this year. If you are interested in studying at the university but not sure where to start, please contact us! 今年は、2月27日から前期[ぜんき](= Trimester A)の授業[じゅぎょう](= class)が始まります。興味[きょうみ]がある(= be interested)けどどうしていいかわからない。。。という人は、どうぞ大学に問[と]い合わせをして(= to make a query)ください! General Enquiries: info@waikato.ac.nz 0800 WAIKATO ( 0800 924 528) or 07 838 4176  

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