Trimester A will start from 27 February this year. If you are interested in studying at the university but not sure where to start, please contact us! 今年は、2月27日から前期[ぜんき](= Trimester A)の授業[じゅぎょう](= class)が始まります。興味[きょうみ]がある(= be interested)けどどうしていいかわからない。。。という人は、どうぞ大学に問[と]い合わせをして(= to make a query)ください! General Enquiries: 0800 WAIKATO ( 0800 924 528) or 07 838 4176
Continue readingHappy New Year???? 明けましておめでとうございます????
2023年になりました! 明けましておめでとうございます。今年もどうぞよろしくお願いします。 Happy New Year! We all wish that this year will be a peaceful and happy one for everyone!!
Continue readingWe wish you a Merry Christmas ????

We approach the end of the University year now. The university ???? will close for the holiday period. However, there will be always somebody to respond your query; so if you need assistance, please contact the university. Otherwise… we wish you a Merry Christmas ????????
Continue readingTrimester B is almost over… (not quite yet)

It is the final teaching week of Trimester B here, at the University of Waikato, this week. Trimester B has not quite finished yet though… We will still have tests/exams/assignment dues next week onwards. If you are interested in studying at the university, it’s a good time to start thinking of it! We will have […]
Continue readingSpring has sprung ????

Again!!!, I have not posted anything for a while. Spring has sprung in New Zealand and you can see beautiful cherry blossoms here now. Too be honest, quite a few trees seem to pass the full blossom phase and show many fresh green leaves on them????. Soon we will enjoy beautiful full bloom of puff […]
Continue readingAugust 9

It is 9 August; another atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki 77 years ago today. We thought we learned tons of lessons from the history but we still witness wars on this planet. One day hopefully we will no longer suffer from those. 今日は、8月9日、77年前の今日、長崎[ながさき]に原爆[げんばく]が落[お]とされました。過去[かこ]からいろいろ学[まな]んだと思いたいところですが、まだあちこちで戦争[せんそう](= war)が起[お]きています。いつかきっとすべての戦争が終[お]わりますように。
Continue readingAugust 6

I have been quite busy and have not managed to post much these days… However! I cannot skip this post… Yes, it’s August 6 again. An atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima 77 years ago today. We all hope peace and happiness for everybody. 最近[さいきん]忙[いそが]しくて、あまり何も書いていません。しかし! 今日は書かないわけにはいきません。 77年前の今日、広島[ひろしま]に原爆[げんばく](= atomic bomb)が落[お]とされました(= to be dropped)。全[すべ]ての人々の平和[へいわ](= peace)と幸[しあわ]せ(= happiness )を祈[いの]ります。
Continue readingIt’s July now!
I do not remember when I made a post last time; time flies, doesn’t it… It’s July and we, the university staff, are now preparing for Trimester B. If you are interested in studying at University of Waikato from this month (as Trimester B begins on the 18th of July) or next year but not […]
Continue readingJFF Online ????
This is the first post this year… time flies ( ゚Д゚)… so let me say quietly: Happy New Year ???? Anyway, what I want to mention here today is: Japanese Film Festival Online 2022 : You can watch a series of Japanese films online from next Monday (14 February 2022) and all free! Please […]
Continue readingChristmas Eve or Day…

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas this year. 楽[たの]しいクリスマスをすごしましたか。 I had a quick chat with Japanese friends and realised that people did not necessarily eat a special festive meal on the same day. So… on which day (if you did) did you have your special meal last week? 日本の友だちと話して、日本とニュージーランドではクリスマスの特別[とくべつ]の(= special)ご飯[はん]を食べる日が違[ちが]う(= to differ)ことに気[き]がつきました。 In Japan, […]
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