Physics discoveries

I’ve been thinking a bit more about the comment I made yesterday that there used to be a time that physics discoveries were made by people but now we just need to build a machine to do it (the LHC).  The major science discoveries, almost by definition, are unexpected and can be very serendipitous. The […]

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Negative Resistance

I was having a conversation last week with a student about negative resistances (in an electronics context). These are just as they sound – to send a current from terminal A to terminal B you have to apply a higher potential to terminal B than terminal A.  Sounds backwards?  Yes – it is. That’s why […]

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Mouse-be-gone (-be-gone)

Here’s some interesting stuff courtesy of the mighty google on yesterday’s post.   It’s an old (1997) report on ‘electronic’ pest control devices. On ‘electromagnetic’ devices, it comments "Laboratory efficacy tests on the control of Norway rats … indicated definitively that such devices have no effect on feeding, drinking, mating or infestation patterns."  Hmmm.  […]

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Electromagnetic Pest Repellent

I saw in the newspaper yesterday an advert for an ‘ultrasonic and electromagnetic’ mouse and rat repeller. That got me interested. The ultrasonic bit seems to be plausible enough – I don’t know much about rodent ear physiology, but I’m willing to believe they can hear sounds at higher frequency to us and to dogs […]

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Electrical Noise

Lectures have finished; students now are into the exam period; and my thoughts naturally turn to research for the summer. To be more accurate, they first turn to marking the aforementioned exams and other assignments, but research will quickly take over. One of the projects we have going involves recording small electrical signals from a […]

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Earthquakes and Polarized light

I had to get up early last Saturday to catch my flight back home from Dunedin to Hamilton, via Christchurch. My fears of sleeping through the alarm clock proved irrelevant as I was supplied with a rather more violent variety courtesy of plate tectonics underneath Christchurch. (Dunedin is a long way from Christchurch – given […]

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The essence of physics

Exams are looming, and I’ve had a constant stream of students coming to me this week asking me questions. One question I’ve had has been asked by two students independently, relating to an example calculation done in a text book. The question goes like this: "I’ve been going through this example, and I get the […]

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