snowball earth

For anyone with a passing interest in global climates, present & past, the UK’s Birmingham University has put out an excellent article looking at the conditions that could have prevailed on a’snowball Earth’.  The term ‘snowball Earth’ refers to a time (about 630 million years ago) when our planet was in the grip of a major ice […]

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a most excellent take-down

Over on Respectful Insolence, one of Orac’s specialties is the dissection of various forms of jiggery-pokery/hocus-pocus/pseudoscientific nonsense. This post of his is well worth reading: it takes a recent paper on a purported ‘energy-healing’ technique & explains why what was done is very far indeed from good science. (It’s worth repeating the old aphorism that the […]

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how do we recognise ‘culture’?

 The ‘human evolution’ achievement standard expects you to be able to discuss trends in cultural evolution. You need to be aware of evidence relating to: use of tools (stone, wood, bone), fire, shelter, clothing, abstract thought (communication, language, art), food-gathering, and domestication of plants & animals. The earliest evidence for culture is the presence of stone tools, […]

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