a question of lethality

a question of lethality

or, more specifically, a question of lethal allelesA. Lethal alleles were first noticed back in 1905 by Lucien Cuénot, and identified for what they were by Castle & Little in 1910. These two studies, looking at inheritance of yellow coat colour in mice, found that only mice heterozygous for this gene had yellow coats, despite […]

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is it a shrimp? is it a prawn? no – it’s Super Crayfish! (revisited)

I wrote this post a couple of years ago, but I think it’s worth revisiting it. Why? Because these crayfish are in the news again – apparently they’ve “taken over” a Belgian cemetery (or, more correctly, the waterways in that cemetery). Local scientists believe that someone must have had the crustaceans in a home aquarium […]

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