incoming woo – ‘stabilised liquid oxygen’ & other nonsense

A letter in our local free newspaper caught my eye tonight. Along with the rather outrageous statement that medical pharmaceuticals are ‘just toxic pills and potions’ pushed as medicines by marketing types (sorry, what? Does this person really think that drug companies & doctors are out to poison people?), there were some other interesting claims […]

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hiv & your immune system

HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus. And there’s an extremely large volume of evidence supporting the hypothesis that infection with HIV generally leads to the development of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). I say ‘generally’ because there is a very small subset of people (called ‘elite suppressors’) in whom this progression doesn’t seem to happen. But in […]

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a most excellent take-down

Over on Respectful Insolence, one of Orac’s specialties is the dissection of various forms of jiggery-pokery/hocus-pocus/pseudoscientific nonsense. This post of his is well worth reading: it takes a recent paper on a purported ‘energy-healing’ technique & explains why what was done is very far indeed from good science. (It’s worth repeating the old aphorism that the […]

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those nasty toxins…

Thankfully, the antivaccination lobby is (so far!) relatively small & quiet in New Zealand. It’s another story in the US, where various celebrities lend their names to the anti- voices. A couple of days ago Orac posted another in his series on what’s wrong with the US anti-vax groupings, & I thought I’d talk about some of the […]

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