preparing for the future

Just catching up on my ‘official’ reading, including the Education Review. The November 13th issue (see? I said I was behind!) included a series of articles to do with the government’s draft Tertiary Education Strategy (or TES for short). One in particular caught my eye as it was related to something I wrote a while ago, on […]

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an update on xenotransplantation

This one’s really for those teachers who might be thinking of getting their year 13 students to look into xenotransplantation. I’ve written a bit about this previously, but you might also be interested in the following, from the Science Media Centre: Animal-human transplants OKedAuckland-based Pig cell therapy pioneer Living Cell Technologies looks set to expand […]

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do flies do housework?

Some more entertaining & educational reading for you while I’m away 🙂 This time it’s from the Bug Girl’s Blog, where the eponymous Bug Girl describes as ‘egregious’ the headline  Fruit Fly Sperm Makes Females Do Housework After Sex. Visit the Bug Girl’s place to find out not only what egregious means, but also why she’s so annoyed about the headline. […]

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regulating supplements

Last Friday the Science Media Centre’s media alert included the following: Dietary supplements such as multivitamin tablets and energy drinks are an increasingly common part of our lives, but should they be? Concerns have been sparked recently by the availability of ultra-high caffeine energy drinks, the proliferation of people taking (often large) doses of vitamins/minerals […]

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