Do you like Japanese Anime and Manga? Are you interested in learning expressions in Japanese Anime and Manga?
朝日[あさひ]新聞[しんぶん]のサイトが「アニメ・マンガの日本語[にほんご]」というサイトを紹介[しょうかい]していました(shokaisuru is to introduce)。このサイトは国際交流基金[こくさいこうりゅうききん] (= The Japan Foundation)が作[つく]っているそうです。今月[こんげつ]から始[はじ]まりました。だからまだコンテンツ(= contents)はあまりありません。興味[きょうみ]がある人は是非[ぜひ] (zehi means by all means)、見[み]てみてください。アニメ・マンガでよく使[つか]われる単語[たんご] (tango is word)クイズもありますよ!
This page in Asahi Shibum Internet site mentioned a site called “Japanese in Anime & Manga”. Apparently this site has been set up by the Japan Foundation and started this month. Because it has just started, there are not many contents yet but please have a look at it if you are interested in those things. It has a quiz checking/improving your knowledge of words/expressions often used in Japanese Anime & Manga!