Fumiko’s Posts

It is 9 August today.

It is 9 August today.

It is 9 August today again. This is another great opportunity to think about peace for ourselves. By the way. an earthquake hit the Kyushu Island, Japan, yesterday (Nagasaki-city is located in the northern part of Kyushu; the epicenter was close to the southern part of Kyushu). We hope there is little damage. If you […]

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Wonderful Kyuushoku!

I happened to find an article mentioning the Japanese school lunch programme on the Radio New Zealand website (see below) https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/516529/school-lunch-programmes-that-new-zealand-could-learn-from This article shows a few photos of yummy looking Japanese 給食 (school lunch). An interesting part of 給食 is, I think, that school kids are involved in its preparation. All food is prepared by […]

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Golden week✨

It’s the final day today of this year’s ‘Golden Week’ in Japan. Hope people in Japan are having a great time. In case you might never have heard of ‘Golden Week’… There are quite a few public holidays between the end of April and the beginning of May (which is now) in Japan and it […]

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When you are busy… 忙しい時は…

When you are busy… 忙しい時は…

What would you do when you are busy/tired and cannot be bothered to prepare a meal? If you are in New Zealand, probably… fish and chips? Chinese takeaways? If you are in Japan, ‘konbini no obento’ would be definitely one of your options! 忙しかったりつかれていたりして、料理をしたくない時、みなさんはどうしますか。ニュージーランドの人は、フィッシュアンドチップスとか、中華料理のテイクアウトでしょうか。日本にいたら。。。コンビニのお弁当を考えるでしょう。 ‘Konbini’ is an abbreviation for convenience stores in Japanese. ‘Konbini’ is […]

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