サルとイノシシ Monkey and boar

京都[きょうと]の動物園[どうぶつえん]で、サル(= monkey)の赤[あか]ちゃんとイノシシ(= boar)の赤[あか]ちゃんがいるそうなんですが…

There are a baby boar and a baby monkey in a zoo located in Kyoto and…

この全然[ぜんぜん][ちが]う動物[どうぶつ]、とっても仲良[なかよ]しなんだそうです。どちらも親[おや]から離[はな]れて孤児[こじ] (= an orphan)となっています。サルの赤[あか]ちゃんが毎晩まいばん][]いてさびしがるので、ある日[]、動物園[どうぶつえん]の人[ひと]がイノシシの赤[あか]ちゃんをそばに連[]れてきたそうです。サルの赤[あか]ちゃんは大喜[おおよろ]び! イノシシの赤[あか]ちゃんははじめはあまり喜[よろ]ばなかったそうですが、今[いま]ではサルの赤[あか]ちゃんがイノシシの赤[あか]ちゃんの背中[せなか]に乗[]って散歩[さんぽ]をします。

These two animals are now really good friends with each other! Both of them were left an orphan and particularly the baby monkey had struggled to cope with absence of its (his or her??) mum. The baby monkey cried every night and a zoo keeper brought a baby boar to the monkey for its company. It made the monkey absolutely happy! The boar did not necessarily like the situation, but sooner or later the boar got used to it and now they spend time together. They often walk together—the monkey is on the back of the boar!
This page in Asahi Shimbun Newspaper shows their walking scene. Cute!

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